Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) has become a hot topic in the news lately. Some people are calling it an “anti-aging” treatment, while others say it’s harmful and dangerous. But what exactly is HRT? And how does it work? In this article we’ll cover both of those questions plus more!
Reason 1: Bioidentical creates a natural balance, feminization, and overall health.
The first reason why you should be using bioidentical hormones is because it creates a natural balance, feminization, and overall health. These hormones are made from plants such as soybeans, yams, and wild yams.
Reason 2: Naturalness of hormones – the formula is matched on an individual basis with your hormones.
The second reason why you should consider using bioidentical hormone replacement therapy is the naturalness of the hormones.
BHRT is a formula that is matched to your own hormone levels. Bioidentical hormones are not synthetic and they are not chemically altered, so they work naturally in your body. They are not genetically engineered or synthesized in a laboratory, but rather taken from plants (like soy beans).
Reason 3: Ease of use – bioidentical hormones are made out of organic plants
Bioidentical hormones are made from organic plants, which means they’re natural and more easily absorbed by the body. They also come from the ovaries of wild yams that grow in Africa. These plants are not synthetic or artificial, but rather extracted in a lab using a process similar to how aspirin is made.
Reason 4: Flexiblity in dosage forms – comes in creams, gels, pellets that can be inserted
One of the things that makes Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy so effective is the fact that it comes in various forms. It can be administered as a cream, gel, or pellet that is inserted under the skin (it’s called subcutaneous) where it slowly releases over time. This allows you have more flexibility with your dosage which means there are fewer side effects and better absorption into your bloodstream than pills do.
And if you think that taking a pill once a day sounds easy enough…think again! Many women complain about having to remember to take their BHRT every single day. And who wants to deal with being forgetful at this age? Not me! Let’s face it…pills aren’t all they are cracked up to be anyways because sometimes they don’t even work as well as we’d like them too…
Reason 5: Fewer side effects than synthetic hormones.
Unlike synthetic hormones, bioidentical hormones have fewer side effects. Synthetic HRT is associated with high rates of blood clots and strokes. Bioidentical hormone therapy, on the other hand, has been shown to increase HDL (good cholesterol) and decrease LDL (bad cholesterol), which may lower your risk for heart disease.
It’s also important to consider that the risks of the two types of hormone therapy are not equal; BHRT is safer than conventional HRT because it uses less estrogen or progesterone—and these hormones are known to raise breast cancer risk when used at higher doses or for long periods of time.
Reason 6: It works like your body’s own hormones to correct abnormal hormone levels
Bioidentical hormones are made from plants, so they’re completely natural. They can be used to treat hormone deficiencies and imbalances, but unlike pharmaceuticals there is no risk of overdose.
Bioidentical Hormones are a safe alternative to some synthetic hormone therapies because they have been shown to target specific areas of the body where they are needed most, while being able to avoid negative side effects caused by these synthetic treatments. In other words: they work like your body’s own hormones!
Reason 7: Supplements and nutrients can be included in a bioidentical formula to optimize hormone metabolism.
If you’re going to use a bioidentical hormone replacement formula, it makes sense to use one that includes supplements and nutrients that can help improve the way your body metabolizes those hormones. For example, the formula should include vitamins B6 and B12 as well as magnesium, zinc and copper. These are all essential minerals in the metabolism of estrogen (the female sex hormone), testosterone (the male sex hormone) and DHEA. They also play a role in healthy brain function.
Including these nutrients in an effective formulation will not only optimize your body’s ability to process these hormones but allow you to enjoy increased energy levels and better mental clarity at all ages!
Reason 8 – Menopausal symptoms can be reversed or prevented for many women
Another reason you should be using bioidentical hormone therapy is that it can help with menopausal symptoms. While menopause is a natural process that happens to all women, it doesn’t mean that you have to put up with the uncomfortable side effects of having your hormones drop. By using BHRT, you can help balance out your body and prevent or reverse some of the most common symptoms associated with this time in a woman’s life.
Menopausal symptoms are not normal and should not be ignored. They can affect many aspects of your daily life including sleep patterns, moods, memory loss and more. If left untreated long enough they could even lead to heart disease or osteoporosis down the road which means taking control now will ensure a better quality of life later on down the line!
Reason 9 – Cancers can be reduced or prevented with bioidentical hormones
According to studies, there is a connection between low levels of estrogen and increased breast cancer risk. Estrogen helps maintain the structure of breast tissue, so when it becomes too low or nonexistent, the cells start to grow abnormally. Bioidentical hormones can help reduce your risk because they maintain healthy estrogen levels in your body – which means less chance for breast cancer!
There are other types of cancers that have been linked with low progesterone levels as well. Studies have shown that women who take synthetic progesterone increase their chances of developing uterine cancer by up to 50%. Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy may also decrease your risk for ovarian and uterine cancers as well because it keeps hormonal balance at an optimal level
Reason 10 – Bioidentical hormone therapy has been proven to make users healthier and live longer.
It helps with regularity (we all know how painful that can be) and it makes you feel so much better overall.
A study done by the Women’s Health Initiative showed that women who used bioidentical hormones were less likely to die from any cause than those who didn’t take them or took synthetic HRT instead of BHRT
Bioidentical hormone therapy has many benefits not only for menopause treatment but also for preventing aging diseases
Bioidentical hormone therapy has many benefits not only for menopause treatment but also for preventing aging diseases.
- BHRT helps prevent heart disease. Studies have shown that women who have their hormones replaced with bioidentical hormones, such as estradiol, experience a significant reduction in LDL cholesterol and triglycerides levels. These are two major risk factors for heart disease.
- Bioidentical hormones can help prevent cancer. Research suggests that estrogen replacement therapy (ERT) may help reduce the risk of breast cancer in postmenopausal women by up to 50 percent! In addition, recent studies show that ERT reduces the risk of ovarian cancer by over 70 percent as well as endometrial cancer by over 80 percent!
- Bioidentical hormones can help prevent osteoporosis because they strengthen bones and increase bone density through increased calcium absorption by the intestines and reduced urinary loss of calcium.[3] This is important since osteoporosis leads to an increased risk of fractures later in life due to weakened bones.[4]
Bioidentical hormone therapy has proven to be very effective in treating menopause symptoms and preventing aging related diseases. It is also a great way to optimize your health, feel young again and live longer. I would highly recommend this treatment for anyone who wants to live a long healthy life without having all those side effects from synthetic hormones or other medications that can cause more harm than good.